Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Oh Christmas Tree!

On a sailors Budget I had to re-buy all my Ornaments since mine are still on a ship somewhere in the Ocean.

I was actually quite pleased with my results. In fact, I have received many compliments on it, ranging from maintenance men to cable guys!

I've already hoarded a few goodies under its boughs, but I still have a little more Santa Clausing left to do.

I guess I better get my little red Honda sleigh in gear!


Lovie said...

It's beautiful HOney! I knew you would come up with something.

G. B. Miller said...

Mary! It's so pretty! Good job. Wish I had realized you were needing ornaments. I would have sent you some. But all who know and love you know what a creative, thrifty person you are. Enjoy your holidays! Love ya - Aunt *G*