Eating Cream of Wheat before bed, in the midst of a madhouse of painting this gleeful little face is all it takes to put my world in order and set my mind at peace. One of those rare occasions where she completely cooperated with me and allowed me to take her pictures, she even included an added bonus of her silly spoon trick...what a happy face! After looking at these pictures I'm amazed at how much she has grown just since my last batch of pictures! she looks so much more like a toddler every day :( Why can't she just stay my little baby forever?
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
4 days ago
She is changing so fast!! Unbelievable. I think she's got a LOT of her mommy's personality. I know she must be very entertaining. :)
Aunt *G*G*
She definitly got her Mommy's charisma. Her personality jumps off the page.
what a ham! B.
hey! your templates are soo cute! how do you change them?
p.s.- i can't believe your little girl is sooo big! I don't think that i've even gotten to see her in person!
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