This picture was taken a few days ago by Isabella's daddy...he doesn't like admitting it...but he has a real soft spot for giant hairbows. As you can see, she's clutching her "bebe" who's name changes far she's been "Seesy" "Pipin" "Kitty" and a few others I couldn't decipher...when she's not lovingly carrying her around by her head and feet, she's nursing her or scolding her...a natural mom, my Isabella. I think I'll look into ordering one of those T-shirts that says "Mommy's milk made me grow" reckon they carry those in baby doll sizes?
I have a ton of projects going on in my house...I was almost lured by the cluttery windows of the craft store today but had to remind myself that I need to finish the things I have already started (window valences, mock vintage Easter eggs, embroidered church bag...etc) before taking on new projects...I have been wanting to post pictures of my living room all week but with Tyler being home on holiday...and then leaving on deployment...the disarray is surely going to take me a couple of days to get back under control.
I have been on a quest for a Calender ALL week...nowhere has any cute calenders, I'm thinking of ordering from my favorite, Gooseberry, or maybe something vintage from Paper Relics...because I'm certainly not finding anything wall worthy around here. Does anybody know where I can find one of those wooden calender display thingies? you know, the ones you hang on the wall and your calender goes inside? I really, really want one.
Ok, well this has tuned into a post about nothing...and it's Bella's naptime, an ice cold diet coke and a bag of BBQ chips have my name written all over them...and perhaps a bit of Lifetime TV :)