Today Isabella embarked upon her first day of Pre-school! (she calls it "kid school") This has been building up for weeks. She has talked endlessly about the "boys and girls" she is going to meet. I'm not sure who has been more excited, myself, or her.
I was able to schedule her to go on days when I am in my algebra class, so it works out perfectly! We wake up together, have breakfast together, I take her to her school, then mommy goes to her own school. It's really kind of wonderful. I was so excited when I found out that my schedule was going to permit her to go, that I ordered her a monogrammed lunch bag and back pack, and spent the better part of my paycheck on new duds for her at Gymboree. But tell me, who could resist those polka dot shoes?!
She loved her first day so much. When I dropped her off she ran right in, found a friend and said "Mommy, you can go to the car now."
I cannot believe my little chubby-cheeked red-head is already in pre-school. It seems like just yesterday I was in awe, hurting like I just got into a duel with a sumo wrestler, but staring at her asleep in her little clear box, terrified to have a nurse roll her out of the room for five minutes...
Now she wants me to wait in the car while she socializes.
lol Oh how sweet! This photo says it all!
Oh...loved those days..they went by too fast! Enjoy your little dumplin' !
Deborah xoxo
Me thinks she takes after someone else we know and love. :)
Of course we know and love her "Lovie" also...but that's NOT who I had in mind. Being the big sister, I can remember very vividly the mornings she was dropped off at school. And I DO mean "dropped". With tires spinning, your Nana or Papa made as quick a get-away as they could. :-p
So glad this all worked out and that she loves it!!!
She is just too cute for words! Hope you are both still enjoying "school" very much:)...and Deborah is right in saying...this goes by much too quickly...
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Blessings~ Shine
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