Well, here are some pictures of my work desk. It's a little sad, actually. This particular house that they moved us into is a great deal smaller than our previous house, so there was no room for my crafting corner...we had to move me into the utility room by the hot water heater! you can actually see it in the pictures... the hose is actually coming in handy for hanging drying projects from. It's pretty cramped in here, but a cramped work space is better than no work space, and apparently I'm not the only one who's been moved into the utility room, because whenever I use my eyelett setter I make the neighbors dog bark.
I've been busy working on all kinds of projects lately, there is a huge craft fair coming to base in march and I'm planning on renting a table, and the best part is my friend from Japan may be coming too! I can't wait to show you pictures of some of my finished projects...I still have so much to do! I've been getting distracted by making Valentine....
Isabella got her shots yesterday. I hate it when she has to get shots, it really breaks my heart into pieces. But she was so brave, she only cried for a little bit and she only kicked the nurse once! the whole way home though she would sniffle every few seconds and give a half hearted whine so she could remind me that she was still not over it. Poor baby!