On a lighter note! I just noticed something...Isabella and I hang out in our mu-mus a lot. Oh well, at least we don't wear them to town :) (although sometimes I would like to) Does anybody else hang out in their mu-mus when they're at home? (please say yes so I don't feel like such a complete bum. Perhaps I should...put on a little lipstick? yes, yes I think I shall)
I recently got Isabella some of those little marker/crayons for toddlers, they are made by Crayola and I think they are called Tadoodles...LOVE 'EM!!! I bought a roll of white paper and I covered the kitchen table with it, I taped it down and I put Isabella in her booster, then I let her go to town. Oh, she just loved it! she made some absolutely beautiful Isabella originals and yes indeedy I will be framing and hanging them in the kitchen/dining corner! She was very content with this for, oh...about 10 minutes, pursing her lips and leaning down for a closer look at her work :) I couldn't stop snapping photos and I could hardly get my homework done!
Now I just I can't wait to get her some finger paint!
Yep, I think she got the crafty gene. I just love the look of concentration on her face and those pursed lips.
How cute!! Yeaph, crafty genes for sure!
Btw, MC,-
it's still sunny and 80 (make that 90 in SE MO) here...not a red or orange leaf in sight, not even a hint of crisp Autumn air...no bite or promising chill in the wind...no smell of wet leaves or dying foliage. You're not missing anything - yet. 8-p
Aunt G
I love her little lips he-he. I take hilary to school im my mu-mu every morninhg! she asked me one morning your not going to go in school like that are you?? Aunt B.
Adorable...Super Cute Pics....I too love those markers....Lila just goes to town....
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