It's been a tough week. When I say tough, I mean one of those weeks where pretty much all you do is pray. I've prayed for myself, I've prayed for my little family and I've prayed for my sister in Virginia and the little bitty baby growing in her belly. I've been praying so much and so hard that I caught myself accidentally praying to myself out loud in the commissary yesterday. Turns out, people don't like that, apparently it's pretty weird. Well, whoops!
But amidst all of this stress, and tears and angst and hand-wringing, there was a big 'ol ray of sunshine just sitting pretty right in my mailbox! It was from my other sister over at The B Hive She sent me a big box of goodies "belated, for my birthday" (even though my birthday was in August and she's already sent me one box) I know it's really because she's always just been that way, sweet and generous.
Who could not be cheered up by all of pinkalicous-ness? She made that beautiful charm bracelet herself! can you believe it?! I come from such a crafty family, my mom and sister are always cooking something up in their crafting "lairs" I just try to keep up as best I's hard to do do! I just love the way she decorated that came chock full of fancy shmancy pink unmentionables from Victoria herself...My FAVE!!! Isabella even scored, My B included some monogrammed buttons to fasten onto Isabella's hairbows, PERFECT!, some Elmo goodies (Isabella's new favorite) and even a couple of adorable shirts, I would have photographed those too, but she is currently wearing one and is napping, and the other is dirty from yesterday, they were so cute I couldn't resist putting them on her righ away! I squealed with glee when I unwrapped the little poodle ornaments...Where does she find all of these treasures? I guess that's just what B's do...they buzz around, unselfishly gathering up the best of the best so that others can enjoy the sweetness of their labor.
Thanks B! this box worked better than a bottle of Prozac!