Yesterday while I was pilfering my craft room for pink clutter, I came across this old ceramic tea set. Chipped and missing pieces, it shows definite signs of my childhood devotion...I'm not sure why I loved it so much, it most likely came from the dollar store where I bought it with my little allowance (aww) but love it I did! this humble, little tea set had the power to spark hours of imagination and play.
I was curious, I figured Isabella was still too young, but I thought it was worth a shot, so I let her play with it, expecting it to last a few minutes before it became old news and she was back to climbing the kitchen table, but instead it was like a little light-bulb went off in her 19 month old toddler brain. She drug one of my cardboard boxes into the living room and used it as her table then proceeded to have tea with herself...she would slurp her tea and then say "Mmm...dee-lish-us" that's her new favorite word, delicious. She even says it when she takes her vitamin. I love it.
Is it normal to be intimidated by you kid? because I'm skeered ya'll.
Does that set have little fairy tale pictures on it?? From what I can see on the picture it looks like a set I got when I was little that I still have. I found mine couple of weeks ago when we were cleaning the house :)
Be afraid, be VERY afaid....
she's so smart! A little genius.
I am ROFL!! "Lovie" took the words right out of my mouth. =)
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