Today was a gift to me.
These are the days God sends me when He knows I'm in danger of losing my groove. Before deployments I never knew the power that
one day could hold. One day can get you through the mire of hundreds of days. It can wipe away the frustrations and dread from the past weeks and completely refresh your outlook for the ones to come.
I took Isabella for countless rides in her new wagon (her prize after being so sick for so long) We scoped out the yard sales in the neighborhood, we mailed daddy a 24 lb. care package (yep, 24 lbs. I don't cut corners, they already go without so much out there) We went for ice cream cones at McDonalds, we rode the escalators at the Navy Exchange (she loves to do that) and after all of this, we sat in my bed and read some of her favorite books, then took a three hour nap together.
I'm taking an odd sort of comfort in the fact that my house is insanely messy because I know it's because spent the entire day playing with my daughter and putting miles on her new Radio Flyer, only stopping to rest when she did. My O.C.D. self
really wants to jump up and start scrubbing and tidying and on a normal day, I wouldn't be able to sleep until I did...but no, today is not a normal day, not at all, for we were restful and pefectly content. There wasn't a single tantrum or meltdown...not a single tear was shed today, no backs were arched, no food was thrown, no accidents, no fresh boo-boos...however there
was, hot sunshine, much laughter, running amuck, red cheeks, stickey kisses and many a times, a sweet toddler pausing to put her clammy little hands on either side of my face and say; "Mama, I wuv you."
Be still my heart!
I just want to relish this calm, I want to remember the serenity of this
perfect day during deployment. I'm going to pack up all of the sweetness from today, tuck it away somewhere and bring it out when I'm feeling so overwhelmed that I don't know if I can go on another day...week...month.
Yes, today is a gift to me :)