Here are a couple of sneaky peekies at what I've been working on...I still have much to glittering my freshly bleached bottle brush trees...and putting the finishing touches on my sugar coated Christmas houses...
I feel so happy flitting about putting finishing touches here and there...Tyler will be home tomorrow evening and we will celebrate his birthday, decorate our tree, and then take our family Christmas pictures. This will be our fourth Christmas together! every year I cannot help but think about our first Christmas and smile...newlyweds, broke as a joke, hardly a stick of furniture...but by golly, we had ourselves a big fat pine and we decked her
out! That particular year, Tyler spent all his money on a pair of cowboy boots for me...bless his little ol' pea pickin' heart...I wore those boots until one of the soles fell off!
This year is especially exciting since Isabella is a little bit more aware of what is going on...I think she has sensed the excitement in the air...I ask her if she wants something for Christmas, it doesn't matter what it is, I could point at a GI Joe and she would nod that little red head and say "yee-uh" I wonder who has more fun with Christmas...the parents or the children? my guess is definitely the parents!
Well, I'm off to glitter some trees and decorate my mantle...tbs is playing Sleepless in Seattle!
Everything looks really good. I just a box in from Willow Tree Toys with really cute little toys in it. can't wait for yall to see it.
I sure like that "bakery" sign. Still waitin' on mine.....
Oh yeah! I forgot...I was supposed to make one while I was home... whoops!
Sleepless in Seattle is one of my favourite movies and when it comes on around Christmas, it makes me happier. Your decor is gorgeous! Really, really gorgeous.
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